Five of my heroes

This is a great post, freshly posted on Ophelia’s Fiction. I particularly love the idea that our heroes amplify our aspects of our selves, our passions writ large, while also highlighting what and who we are and reminding us both that it’s ok to be who we are, elf loving or not, and of the courage, humility, and honesty and irreverence that it takes to live with real integrity.

Ophelia's Fiction

Perhaps they’re not heroes in the epic sense, but they have traits that find an echo in my own sense of self. A fragment of me writ large. If you look at your own heroes, you will find the same. You might assume they’re your opposite, what you can never be, when in fact their public personas are embodying some part of you that needs more air time. I notice a theme with mine. They are all storytellers, they are excellent at what they do, they are unashamed of their obsessions. Sometimes we need our own heroes to help us speak our minds and live with a little more integrity, especially if we want to achieve excellence in our field.

my hero, David Attenborough with an eagle

David Attenborough: what child wouldn’t respect him? While other adults on TV were talking about work, wars and money, he was down on his hands and knees peering into the…

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3 thoughts on “Five of my heroes

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